Can you do an article about king Leopold and the Belgian Congo? Leftists always cry that the Belgians wanted to basically holocaust the Africans and that they cut off their hands because they were racist but never give an explanation on it. I’m having trouble finding any alternative viewpoints on it because my instincts are telling me it makes no sense for a European power to ethnically cleanse the population of a territory they possess in the first place. That and the fact that I know from studying history that Muslims are known to cut off the hands of criminals and were extremely cruel to their slaves compared to the West. The latter of which is heavily sensationalist and dramatic rather than being objective about it.

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He have a video covering that

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Photos are faked- from ottoman territory

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Very interesting. I also wonder if the size of German reparations are tied to jewish population estimates.

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> These Jews aren't being generated in the US and USSR, and Israel is not generating enough Jews internally. So, these 3.575 million Jews MUST come from the 3 A's."

> "So, how many Jews can the 3 A's give? Using Column 7 assumptions (again, these are absurdly, unrealistically charitable assumptions), we just subtract column 7 from column 2 (The imagined 1972 populations assuming a TFR of 4 from the 1945-1948 populations), because some of them obviously stayed behind, and we get 1.219 million."

My IQ feels really low for this task, but wouldn't the difference of 2.3 mil. account for the Holocaust?

And anyway, how would you explain the total disappearance of the Russian Jews? Wouldn't such a massive campaigning for emigration have been impossible to hide? We're aware of similar population transfers - be it the Greeks, Turks or Germans. And the Afro-Asian Jews. So why would the Polish Holocaust be an exception?

Also, what about the reports of the Baltics being judenfrei in 1941?

> "Perhaps the concentration camps led to a higher death rate for Jews than just living in say, Belarus or Poland, but this was offset by Jews not being conscripted. Or perhaps it was about the same. Whatever the particulars, Jews died at the same rate as their “countrymen”."

That paints an interesting picture. That of the Hitlerians being as cucked as the Americans - who, as we know, put the Japs in camps, but never genocided the Japanese in their archipelago after winning the war.

And even German ethnic cleansing operations in Poland might be seen as similar to the Soviet population transfers of Volga Germans, Crimean Tatars and Chechens.

All of this would place the Germans much closer to the general practices of the time, distancing the NatSocs from the famed revolutionary spirit ascribed to them by legend on both sides.

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Many Jews in Russia Russify their names to blend into the native population to subvert it. Many members of the communist party were jews, crypto jews, or had jewish spouses. Such examples of the three are Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin. Plus many Russian jews immigrated to Palestine to help establish Israel. The idf has its roots from Soviet jews that were members of the Cheka which explains their brutality to this day towards the Palestinians.

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First of all, Jews have plenty of genetic diseases because they have for millennia lived separately. The Jews used to constitute 20-30% of South Russia's population in many regions. And yet they all apparently blended in? That's just unheard of.

And your other point about the Cheka is super naïve. All nations in the world are brutal and ruthless - from Algeria to Korea. Only the Europeans are weirdly cucked - as many posit (César Tort, Tom Holland), due to Christian morality of love towards enemies.

I have recently finally watched Finkelstein, and I marvel at his rabid hatred of Israel. Is he mentally ill? Or is it merely a survival strategy of the Jewish race in case Israel goes under - so that their American branch wouldn't get exterminated? But then again, the liberal Jews are going extinct, so wouldn't be a promising picture.

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I’m saying jews falsely assimilate on purpose by using their White passing appearance to subvert their gentile hosts as a survival mechanism.

The point about the brutality of the Cheka was that it was purely sadistic even by Old Testament and antiquity’s standards.

European populations have been subverted by jewish led social and political movements namely Marxism via the Frankfurt school to destroy their natural instincts. Plus the power of the mass media to shape public opinion is a very powerful weapon. Just look at its effectiveness on pushing the covid vaccines and lockdowns despite said proved they were pointless.

Jews like Finkelstein only promote anti Zionism as optics so that the diaspora can remain safe in times of trouble. It’s why many jews in the west are anti Zionist because they rather just camouflage themselves among the gentiles and remain undetected whilst they continue to parasite off of their host country.

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> "European populations have been subverted by jewish led social and political movements namely Marxism via the Frankfurt school to destroy their natural instincts."

> "Jews like Finkelstein only promote anti Zionism as optics so that the diaspora can remain safe in times of trouble."

This is all so incredibly naïve and myopic. The Europeans had been cucking themselves over with zero input from biological Jews - see Latin America for miscegenation, see North America for freeing the African slaves (both before the Jews immigrated, and before mass media).

As regards the optics - first of all, no optics would help them if the North Sea basin population (I remember that one^^) had a healthy culture. Second, the Whites pitying the Palestinians is an abomination and only works because of Christian morality elevating the pathetic and the ugly. (Hence you should keep in mind that any "optics" argument reeks of defeat - optics has no bearing on any non-Christian population.)

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"Those Jews in East-Central Europe vanished sometime between 1941 and 1945. The American Jewish population only increased from 4.8 million to 5.0 million between 1940 and 1950 – a slower rate of increase than during the preceding or following decade. There was obviously no large influx of European Jews into America during that decade. There were 630,000 Jews in Palestine in 1947, versus 175,000 in 1931; again, not sufficient to explain the disappearance of millions of European Jews. There were 3,028,538 Jews in the USSR according to the 1939 Census, but only 2,266,334 in the 1959 one (despite the demographic catastrophe of WW2, even the ethnic Russian population expanded by 15% between these two dates); this was also before the start of Soviet Jewish emigration to the West. Where did they go?

Until someone can properly answer that question, one can only assume that they indeed mostly vanished in the killing fields of the western USSR and the death camps of Poland while under Nazi occupation. Consequently, the standard narrative is correct on the order of magnitude of Jewish deaths in the Holocaust, whether that number is closer to 6 million or to 4 million. While the “The 6 Million” is certainly a major soundbyte, my understanding is that serious academic estimates have been converging to the 5-6 million range."


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This isn't a response to my article at all, since you're referring to earlier numbers and just taking them as true.

What I'm saying is that the later numbers cannot be true given Jewish fertility from an ~11 million 1945 population. To preserve the holocaust, you MUST accept the truthfulness of whatever agencies are involved in counting Jews (otherwise you're just cherry-picking when to believe and when not to, the "make your own holocaust" fallacy).

Basically, my conclusion is, based on later numbers and Jewish fertility, the 1945 numbers are NOT true, which your comment, which rests on 1945 numbers and 1959 at the latest, don't deal with at all.

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Can you do a post about Leo Frank case? A lot of historians agree the murder was in reality Conley but I have doubts of that narrative

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RemovedMay 23·edited May 23
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There's no Jewish population momentum in the USSR. And yes, the "baby boom" is duly factored into the US TFR from 1930 to 1970. Without the baby boom US Jewish TFR would be even lower.

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RemovedMay 23
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That's somewhat interesting. I don't think you get to replacement over the whole period, nor would we expect that momentum to carry all the way to 1972, but maybe the relevant period TFR for the USSR is higher than I thought.

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RemovedMay 23
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Well that's another big problem, is Jews hiding themselves, or being hidden by Soviet Census. We basically have to trust the censuses for these states.

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